Beginner Zone

Welcome to our beginner zone. Start here to begin your journey down the Bitcoin rabbit hole.

The Basics

These short, easy to read articles will help you begin to understand the problems Bitcoin solves and the basics of how Bitcoin works.

  • What is Money?

    Do you really know what money is and what makes good or bad money?

  • An Introduction to Bitcoin.

    A simple overview of Bitcoin and the basics of how it works.

  • The Origins of Bitcoin.

    Understand the story of where Bitcoin came from, who and how it was created.

  • Why We Need Bitcoin.

    Bitcoin is an asset for financial freedom, wealth creation and equality.

  • Bitcoin Mining Basics.

    Mining is a critical feature of Bitcoin and fundamental to the workings of Bitcoin.



Learning some of the most common terms that get used in the world of Bitcoin will help in your journey of understanding and appreciation.

Expert Opinions

Watch and listen to leading investors, economists, global leaders and technical innovators as they share their thoughts on Bitcoin.

  • Bill Miller

    Legendary Investor, Fund Manager & Philanthropist.

  • Cathie Wood

    Investor, Innovator, Fund Manager, CEO ARK Invest.

  • Alex Gladstein

    Chief Strategy Officer, Human Rights Foundation.

  • Saifedean Ammous

    Best Selling Author & Economist.

  • Andreas Antonopolous

    Computer Scientist & Bitcoin Expert.


Frequently Asked Questions

The most commonly asked questions by people new to Bitcoin.

Essential Books

There is an incredible range of books on Bitcoin and the various problems that it solves. We recommend starting your Bitcoin journey with these four.

Scam Watch

Scammers are everywhere these days, looking to take advantage of unsuspecting victims. The Bitcoin-space is no different. Always be alert, remember the adage "if it seems too good to be true, it probably is". Read our list of the most common scams we see in Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Meetups

Bitcoin meetups in your local area are one of the best ways to learn about Bitcoin and get involved in the broader Bitcoin community.

Understanding Bitcoin Wallets

Learn the basics of Bitcoin wallets. Discover why wallets store keys, not Bitcoin, and understand the differences between hot wallets (software wallets) and cold wallets (hardware wallets). Get tips on purchasing secure hardware wallets to ensure your Bitcoin is safe and under your control.

Recommended Software (Hot) Wallets

To begin, and while your Bitcoin stash is small (say under $1000), it's fine to start with a quality software wallet. We recommend one of the three below.

  • Muun Wallet

    A simple bitcoin and lightning wallet.

  • Aqua Wallet

    The bitcoin wallet your grandma could use.

  • Blue Wallet

    A radically simple but powerful Bitcoin wallet.


Recommended Hardware (Cold) Wallets

As your Bitcoin savings grow (say, over $1000), it's critical to secure it in a high quality Bitcoin-only hardware wallet. We recommend one of the following wallets. Check out our comparison guide to help you choose the right wallet for your requirements.

  • Blockstream Jade for Sales on UTXO Dreams

    Blockstream Jade

    Simple, affordable Bitcoin-only hardware wallet.

  • BitBox02 is available on UTXO Dreams


    Elegant, Swiss-made Bitcoin-only hardware wallet.

  • Coldcard Mk4

    Security-to-the-max Bitcoin-only hardware wallet.


Step by Step Guides

Simple guides to help you through the essentials of buying, sending, receiving and storing your Bitcoin safely and securely.

  • How to Purchase Bitcoin

    An simple guide for buying Bitcoin in Australia.

  • How to send & receive Bitcoin

    A simple guide to sending and receiving Bitcoin.

    Coming Soon 
  • How to Store Your Bitcoin

    Learn the options for storing your bitcoin safely.

    Coming Soon 
  • Common Mistakes to Avoid

    Tips from experts - learn what things not to do.
