Verifying Your New Wallet

When receiving a new hardware wallet, regardless of where you have purchased it, it's essential to perform some basic authenticity checks and verifications before using it.

Follow these wallet-specific guides to ensure you are using a genuine wallet, that has not been manipulated or corrupted since in manufacture.

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General Recommendations

Regardless of device, the following general steps and checks can help ensure your hardware wallet is authentic and has not been tampered with:
  • Look for any signs of tampering or damage to the packaging.
  • Check the device for any unusual marks, scratches, or signs of opening.
  • Ensure buttons and ports are intact and functioning correctly.
  • Check for original manufacturer seals and holograms.
  • Ensure all accessories are present and match the product description.
  • Verify the device has the latest firmware version.
  • Update the firmware if necessary directly from the official site.

ColdCard Mk4 Specific Checks & Recommendations

Your Coldcard Mk4 will arrive from UTXO Dreams in a special, sealed bag. It has a large Coinkite logo, white digits/text, a blue tab, and a barcode with the number underneath. This number is important and we call it the "bag number". Please make note of this number, the Coinkite factory has recorded this number into the secure area of flash memory inside your Coldcard.

Before opening the bag, please inspect the bag for damage or signs of being previously opened or tampered with. 

The purpose of the bag, and its unique number, is to give you confidence that the Coldcard has come directly from the factory and has not been modified by anyone before you start setup.

Coldcard Mk4 4 Genuine Bag

After you pull apart the top seal, it will show the word “VOID”.

Once your Coldcard Mk4 has been removed from the bag, inspect it closely for any signs of tampering or damage. Pay special attention to seams/joins, the MicroSD port and USB port. Look for any scratches on the case. If you are satisfied, proceed to powering up your device. 

Once you power up your device with a USB cable, you will have the opportunity to verify the bag number and setup a unique PIN. Once you have done this and before completing any transactions on your device we strongly recommend upgrading its firmware.

If you find anything out of place, please contact or with photos for reference.

BitBox02 Specific Checks & Recommendations

Your BitBox02 will arrive from UTXO Dreams in a vaccuum sealed bag that has the Shift Crypto logo around the edge. Upon receiving your device, closely inspect the bag for any signs of tampering or that it has been previously opened.

BitBox02 in its bag by UTXO Dreams

Once your BitBox02 has been removed from the box, inspect it closely for any signs of tampering or damage. Ensure all contents are present and in good condition. Pay special attention to seams/joins, the USB connection. Look for any scratches on the case. If you are satisfied, proceed to powering up your device. 

Once you power up your device with the included USB cable, you will have the opportunity to setup a unique PIN. Once you have done this and before completing any transactions on your device we strongly recommend upgrading its firmware from the official Shift Crypto site.

If you find anything out of place, please contact or with photos for reference.

Blockstream Jade Specific Checks & Recommendations

Your Blockstream Jade will arrive from UTXO Dreams in a sealed, wrapped box. The box has a tamper evident holographic seal which needs to be removed before opening the box. Upon receiving your device, closely inspect the box for any signs of tampering or that it has been previously opened.

Once your Blockstream Jade has been removed from the box, inspect it closely for any signs of tampering or damage. Ensure all contents are present and in good condition. Pay special attention to seams/joins, the camera and USB port. Look for any scratches on the case. If you are satisfied, proceed to powering up your device. 

Once you power up your device with the included USB cable, you will have the opportunity to setup a unique PIN. Once you have done this and before completing any transactions on your device we strongly recommend upgrading its firmware from the official Blockstream site.

If you find anything out of place, please contact or with photos for reference.